The outline that follows covers the American Civil War's major political and military events, but it is neither exhaustive--nor finished.
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We hope you find this helpful in studying America's most fascinating era.
Gordon Leidner
Great American History
Outline of the Civil War
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I. Background and Causes of the War
A. Economic developments in the U.S.
B. Slav ery
C. States Rights vs. Strong Federal Government
II. Political and Social Catalysts for the War
A. Missouri Compromise
B. Kansas-Nebraska Act
C. Dred Scott Decision
D. John Brown’s Raid
E. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
F. Lincoln Douglas Debates
G. Presidential Election of 1860
III. Major Political and Military Leaders
A. Southern Political Leaders
1. Jefferson Davis
2. Alexander Stephens
3. Robert B. Rhett, Louis T. Wigfall, William L. Yancey, Robert Toombs
B. Northern Political Leaders
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. William H. Seward
3. Stephen A. Douglas, Charles Summer, Salmon P. Chase
C. Southern Military Leaders
1. Robert E. Lee
2. Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson and James Longstreet
3. Albert Sidney Johnston and Joseph E. Johnston
4. Various Others
D. Northern Military Leaders
1. Ulysses S. Grant
2. William Tecumseh Sherman and George B. McClellan
3. Phil Sheridan, George G. Meade, Joshua L. Chamberlain
4. George H. Thomas, William Rosecrans, and various Others
IV. Events & Battles of 1861-1862
A. Events
1. Secession of the Confederate States
2. Fort Sumter
3. Mobilization of the North and South
4. European Intervention and the Trent Affair
1. First Manassas (Bull Run)
2. Forts Henry and Donelson
3. Shiloh (Pittsburg’s Landing)
4. Shenandoah Valley
5. Seven Days
6. Second Manassas (Bull Run)
7. Antietam (Sharpsburg)
8. Fredericksburg
9. Murphreesboro (Stone’s River)
V. Naval War
A. The Navies
1. Blockaders and Blockade Runners
2. Ironclads
B. Naval Battles
1. USS Monitor vs. the CSS Virginia (Merrimack)
2. New Orleans
3. Charleston Harbor
4. Mobile Bay
5. The CSS Alabama and the USS Kearsarge
6. The Blockade
VI. Events & Battles of 1863
1. Emancipation Proclamation

Web Author: Gordon Leidner
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